Friday, September 10, 2010

Minutes, September 8, 2010

So Wednesday was our first meeting, and we discussed many of our upcoming projects:

-Lobster Bake on Sunday, from 4:30- 7:00, or 6:45- 9:30.

These are the shifts we have so far:

4:30-7:00pm: Collin, Hugh, Jong, Valentina

6:45-9:30pm: Julio, Renu, Rebekah

They will be offering us food and the event is very casual, so no need to go to Sharples that night or to dress up or anything.

Please plan to meet at PARRISH CIRCLE at the beginning of your shift. We will have a driver to take us to Media (just 3 miles away) to the restaurant. Also, if you need to switch times, please let me know ASAP, and if you have friends who want to help or get free dinner or spend time outside the Swat bubble, we have room for probably one or two more people for each shift.

-Books Through Bars on Saturday, September 18th, from 11-2

-Silent Auction with the Rotary of Swarthmore on Friday,
September 24th

-We will also be helping out at the Blood Drive this year
, by tabling at Essie Mae's to get people to sign up for the Blood Drive, as well as helping at the Blood Drive itself (which is on Tuesday, September 28th)

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